Well, we are about 8-10 weeks out from the last frost now. I’m getting incredibly excited for planting. My son and I found a book the other day that we decided to follow to try and maximize our yields in the garden this year. It’s a week by week guide bast on frost days, that give you gardening tasks to accomplish; weeks before, during, and after last frost and first frost. It’s quite the book.
In addition to other methods and ideas I’ve learned we are going to give this book a shot and see how it helps with the garden this year. So following this guide, we are actually a couple weeks behind with some indoor planting. So today, I got my hands in some soil. And ooohhh boy did it feel good!
I’ll keep you posted as things progress. Thanks for tuning in! I love you all!
Today’s reading: Luke 4:31-44 and Judges 4,5,6.