Well, after the nice week of warm weather, we are back to sub zero temps. -10C today. Not terrible by any means. I actually miss the -50C weather to be honest. It was incredible.
With the warmth, I was able to get a lot done with the yurt roof after seeing how it was handling the snow and ice. I have more changes that I want to make, including adding a bit of an eves trough system to capture all the snow and ice that melts off the roof for the chickens or gardening etc. This sort of system will capture an estimated 4500gallons of water when there is only just 3 inches of rain! This will no doubt be sufficient to care for my garden this year.
Along with those mods, I’m looking at redoing the center ring is my Yurt. I’ve seen some nicer designs that I would like use.
Below are some examples of apex rings that I’m inclined to implement. It will be an adventure to change it out. But my thought is that at the end of the summer if I’m taking down the yurt to rebuild the floor, I might as well swap out the center ring at the same time. I’ve booked time off in August to do this. Hopefully the rain will have passed by then.
I’m looking forward to this summer, I have so many plans!
I invite you to join me as I expand my garden, and upgrade my Yurt this summer!
Thanks for tuning in, until next time. I love you all.