Culinary Delights! Feb. 10, 2024

Last night I got home and decided to attempt a new idea to bake some bread. My mother picked up a beautiful cast iron bread pan! I was just itching to try!

8.5inch x 4.5inch cast iron bread pan 🥰🥰🥰

So I went straight to my recipe book and found my Irish Soda Bread recipe! Now this recipe called for raisins but I’m out so I added two Tbsp of molasses instead, which made up for the moisture that would have come from the raisins.

1R of my soda bread makes one loaf. Which worked out perfectly for today.

So I added everything together, mixed it all up and put it into the oiled bread pan. I did end up covering it with tin foil to protect the top from burning.

To prevent the bottom from burning, I put two fresh logs into the fire over the coals. I let them burn off the bark on the outside in a tizzy of flames, once the flames died I lowered the air intake on the stove, and threw my cookie wire rack into the stove on top of the two logs that were now nicely charred.

From there the bread pan sat on the wire rack well above the hot coals below preventing it from burning. As mentioned above I covered the bread pan with foil to protect from scorching the top.

The with some finicking I was able to get the temp of the oven to drop where I wanted it and maintain it there nicely. Then we let it cook!

Being that I had not started with the foil on top there was a small layer very near the top that wasn’t fully cooked, I had to put the bread back in with out the foil to get it to cook. But it turned out incredibly tasty and beautiful!

See for yourselves.

Completed Irish Molasses Soda Bread, baked in a wood stove from start to finish!

I’m about to embark on a wonderful baking spree! Hit me up with some ideas and recipes and I’ll give them a shot!

Next up! Banana Nut loaf!

Today’s reading: Matt. 25:31-46 and Lev. 8,9,10

Thanks for tuning in! Until next time, I love you all!


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